CACREP实地考察 |
好消息! The CMHC program is scheduled for a CACREP site visit in October 2023. We hope to receive word on CACREP status in spring 2024. We are working diligently to offer you a CACREP-approved CMHC program. 我们将随时为您提供最新消息! |
实践核心考试 |
学校咨询选项2学生不再需要完成Praxis核心考试! 万岁! |
实习科目考试 | All School 咨询 Students (Options 1 & 2)均需通过 实践辅导科目考试#5422 毕业. 请 not register for #5421, as it is no longer accepted for endorsement. |
CPCE | All CMHC students are required to pass the CPCE before graduating. Changes in the CPCE policies require you to take this exam the semester before graduating, as you are given only one opportunity per semester to pass the exam. 所以,为了安全起见...take it the first semester of your Internship! |
酒井LMS内容 | If you previously enrolled in classes utilizing SAKAI (our LMS before Canvas), 请取回任何文件(如.e., KPI assignments or syllabi) you wish to retain. The SAKAI contract will end by June 2024, ending any access to former courses. Contact your advisor should you have any questions. |
Chadron州立大学的咨询师教育提供临床心理健康咨询和学校咨询的在线教育艺术硕士(MAE). The MAE in Clinical Mental 健康 咨询 provides the academic coursework required for eligibility for licensure as a Licensed Mental 健康 Practitioner (LMHP) in Nebraska; Likewise, 在学校咨询的MAE提供资格背书为内布拉斯加州的学校辅导员所需的学术课程. 另外, 我们提供研究生和本科课程导致执照作为一个有执照的酒精和药物顾问(LADC)在内布拉斯加州. 课程和学术课程将为您在各种公共和私人咨询机构或中小学环境中专业工作做好准备.
我们希望我们的完全在线课程能满足你的学术和职业目标,当你开始你选择的职业生涯作为一个专业的咨询师. 我们的网站和咨询 辅导员教育学生手册 will provide you with information regarding program curricula, 教师, 性能结果, 项目和大学政策, 专业协会, 以及学生服务.
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一旦你被录取了, you will view a 新生迎新 video prior to, 或在, 你第一学期的课程. 在这里观看介绍视频. Should you require more detailed information, contact Dr. 凯瑟琳·伍兹咨询项目主任.
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
CSC研究生院咨询学位课程(MAE学位)是由理事会认可的 Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and formally approved by the State of Nebraska. 教育工作者准备认证委员会(CAEP)通过以证据为基础的认证,确保质量并支持持续改进,以加强PK-12学生的学习,从而推进教育工作者准备的卓越性. CAEP is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Higher Learning Commission Accreditation
咨询认证委员会 and 相关教育项目(CACREP)
CSC临床心理健康咨询研究生咨询师教育MAE学位目前正在努力获得CACREP认证. We hope to become accredited by the year 2023. CACREP accredits master’s and doctoral degree programs in 咨询 and its 专业 这些课程是由美国和世界各地的学院和大学提供的.
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