

好消息! The CMHC program is scheduled for a CACREP site visit in October 2023. We hope to receive word on CACREP status in spring 2024. We are working diligently to offer you a CACREP-approved CMHC program. 我们将随时为您提供最新消息! 


学校咨询选项2学生不再需要完成Praxis核心考试! 万岁! 
实习科目考试 All School 咨询 Students (Options 1 & 2)均需通过 实践辅导科目考试#5422 毕业. 请 not register for #5421, as it is no longer accepted for endorsement.
CPCE All CMHC students are required to pass the CPCE before graduating. Changes in the CPCE policies require you to take this exam the semester before graduating, as you are given only one opportunity per semester to pass the exam. 所以,为了安全起见...take it the first semester of your Internship! 
酒井LMS内容 If you previously enrolled in classes utilizing SAKAI (our LMS before Canvas), 请取回任何文件(如.e., KPI assignments or syllabi) you wish to retain. The SAKAI contract will end by June 2024, ending any access to former courses. Contact your advisor should you have any questions. 

Chadron州立大学的咨询师教育提供临床心理健康咨询和学校咨询的在线教育艺术硕士(MAE). The MAE in Clinical Mental 健康 咨询 provides the academic coursework required for eligibility for licensure as a Licensed Mental 健康 Practitioner (LMHP) in Nebraska; Likewise, 在学校咨询的MAE提供资格背书为内布拉斯加州的学校辅导员所需的学术课程. 另外, 我们提供研究生和本科课程导致执照作为一个有执照的酒精和药物顾问(LADC)在内布拉斯加州. 课程和学术课程将为您在各种公共和私人咨询机构或中小学环境中专业工作做好准备.

我们希望我们的完全在线课程能满足你的学术和职业目标,当你开始你选择的职业生涯作为一个专业的咨询师. 我们的网站和咨询 辅导员教育学生手册 will provide you with information regarding program curricula, 教师, 性能结果, 项目和大学政策, 专业协会, 以及学生服务.


According to the 美国心理咨询协会, "Professional 咨询 is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, 家庭, 和团体来完成心理健康, 健康, 教育, 职业目标. 咨询师与客户一起制定策略,以克服他们所面临的障碍和个人挑战." (http://www.Counseling.org/aca-community/learn-about-Counseling/what-is-Counseling/overview).


According to the American School Counselor Association, “Today's school counselors are vital members of the 教育 team. They help all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social 发展 and career 发展, ensuring today's students become the productive, 未来适应能力强的成年人. 了解更多 关于学校辅导员的角色.” (http://www.schoolcounselor.org/administrators/role-of-the-school-counselor).



The first step to begin your journey is to apply for admission to CSC研究生课程.

Complete the 咨询 Program 招生 Essay

在 有条件的接受 进入CSC研究生课程, you are invited to complete an 招生 Essay for acceptance into the 咨询 Program. Please choose the link above for a fillable essay form. ♦ Please note the 150 minimum word count for 每一个 在7个问题提示中 ♦. 一旦提交并通过教师审核,您将收到录取决定的通知. 请联系 Dr. 凯瑟琳·伍兹 了解更多信息


一旦你被录取了, you will view a 新生迎新 video prior to, 或在, 你第一学期的课程. 在这里观看介绍视频. Should you require more detailed information, contact Dr. 凯瑟琳·伍兹咨询项目主任.

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

CSC研究生院咨询学位课程(MAE学位)是由理事会认可的 Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and formally approved by the State of Nebraska. 教育工作者准备认证委员会(CAEP)通过以证据为基础的认证,确保质量并支持持续改进,以加强PK-12学生的学习,从而推进教育工作者准备的卓越性. CAEP is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

Higher Learning Commission Accreditation


咨询认证委员会 and 相关教育项目(CACREP)

CSC临床心理健康咨询研究生咨询师教育MAE学位目前正在努力获得CACREP认证. We hope to become accredited by the year 2023. CACREP accredits master’s and doctoral degree programs in 咨询 and its 专业 这些课程是由美国和世界各地的学院和大学提供的.


Counselor Education actively recruits students from a variety of backgrounds, 经历, 文化影响. 教师 value diversity among its student population and in society at large. 这种对个体差异的承诺和欣赏可以在我们课程的各个方面找到, including student selection and admissions, 教师招聘, 课堂教学, 教材及教材, 临床实习与督导, 部门管理, 日常操作, 政策形成.

辅导员教育将从西部高平原地区招募和留住不同群体的学生作为主要重点. We define the term diverse group broadly, 包括民族, 种族, and cultural identities as well as in personal world views, 性别认同, 性偏好, 年龄的差异, and the challenges associated with disabilities of various kinds. To attract and support a diverse student population, we have taken several initiatives including but not limited to the following:

  • 灵活性
    我们的课程安排是为了满足不同的非传统学生群体的需求. 我们的大多数课程都以在线形式提供,为那些可能需要分阶段或兼职完成课程的学生提供选择.
  • 可购性
  • 金融支持
    Our college offers a financial assistance program (FAFSA), which is open to all students without discrimination. 我们的咨询计划提供三个研究生助学金,包括学费和津贴. 助学金适用于就读研究生学位课程的学生,旨在为研究生水平的监督教育经验提供机会.
  • 广告
    Actively advertising that our program has a strong emphasis on diversity. The program website and mission statement highlight diversity.
  1. 该部门将重点培养来自不同文化背景的合适人选, 使他们在展示文化敏感知识的同时,培养强大的专业咨询师身份, 技能, 和性格.
  2. 采用合作教学法, 该系教师将把CACREP标准和最新的循证和文化上适当的研究纳入课程.
  3. The department will conduct regular program evaluations, incorporating input and suggestions from advisory board meetings, 雇主, 教师, 现在和过去的学生. 这些信息将每年进行评估,以加强项目评估工作,并将被认为合适的整合到课程中.
Counselor Education Student Learning Outcomes
  1. Professional 取向 and Ethical Practice: Develop a professional identity as a counselor, demonstrate an understanding of the 咨询 profession, 并表现出愿意在咨询职业的道德准则范围内提供咨询服务.
  2. 社会和文化多样性: Demonstrate an understanding of the social 文化影响, 权力和特权的影响, and the impact of acculturative experience on the 咨询 process.
  3. 人的成长与发展: 培养对人类成长的发展方面的理解,对人类发展的本质及其在咨询过程中的整合的欣赏.
  4. 职业发展: 培养对职业发展的理解和概念化工作之间相互关系的方法, 精神健康, 以及心理咨询中的其他生活角色.
  5. 咨询和帮助关系: Gain significant knowledge and application of major 心理咨询理论. 确定有效的个人咨询技术,促进客户成长和评估治疗目标进展的能力.
  6. 小组辅导及小组工作: Develop experiential and theoretical understandings of group purpose, 发展, 动力学, 心理咨询理论, 团体咨询的方法和技巧, 还有其他小组方法.
  7. 评估及测试: 获得评估技巧方面的知识和技能,并将基本概念应用于个人和团体评估.
  8. 咨询 Research and Program Evaluation: Develop the ability to read, 批判, 评估, and contribute to professional research literature.
  9. 临床心理健康方案: 确定的原则, 模型, and documentation formats of biopsychosocial case conceptualization and treatment planning.
  10. 学校辅导项目: Develop a model for implementing a school 咨询 program.